
The Wind Was on the Withered Heath (Dwarves Song at Beorn's Hall) by J.R.R. Tolkien | a poem for Tolkien Reading Day

As a fan of the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, I have been trying to share a project to commemorate the various Tolkien-related holidays for a few years now. With today being Tolkien Reading Day, I have selected a bit of verse from The Hobbit to share with you. The selection below comes from Chapter 7, in which the dwarves and Bilbo are introduced to the mysterious Beorn by Gandalf as they are trekking their way across the land toward the Lonely Mountain. The group has enjoyed a hearty meal in Beorn's Hall, and post-meal, the dwarves commence discussing "dwarf-y" things and begin to tell tales. Presently, they begin to sing the verses below. Tolkien does not give a title and, indeed, intimates that this is not the extent of the dwarves' song, so I have just used the first line as a title. I hope you enjoy my narration! @jd Music credit: Burial of the Light by  ELVGames & PEGGU-SENSEI The Wind Was on the Withered Heath (Dwarves Song at Beorn's Hall) The wind was on...

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