
Fragile | a poem

I have dabbled in writing poetry since high school. Unsurprisingly, most of what I wrote back then is pretty subpar stuff, and that's putting it mildly. But the poem below is one of the first poems I ever wrote that I think is actually decent when I look back on it today. I have decided to start posting more of my poetry on this site and perhaps it will inspire me to write more. This was written just days after the death of a very close family friend. He was a great man and it was an immensely sad time for me. I was in my late teens and looked up to him quite a bit. His death got me thinking about the fragility of human existence. James 4:14b came to my thoughts at the time, " For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. " With those things on my mind, I sat down and wrote the poem below. Photo credit: fragile like a vapor, here and then gone a sudden sigh, now one's passed on ...

Looking Back on 2024 Highlights

Just Another Day | a micro audio drama

Another Day, Another Dollar | a micro audio drama

One Day in Aspen Creek, Audio Drama Series Coming Soon

Adapting Literature into Audio - CCM13

The Brokenhearted | a micro audio drama

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