UPDATE: audioBoom no longer offers a free plan but the rest of the information shared in this episode is still valid.
Here is my workflow for using a mobile device to create a solo podcast. This is just to show how easy it can be to get a show going. I use audioBoom for this show.
Here is my workflow for using a mobile device to create a solo podcast. This is just to show how easy it can be to get a show going. I use audioBoom for this show.
1. Write episode outline in Google Keep using Nexus 7 tablet or Android phone.
Keep is my note-taking app of choice and I use it for show ideas for all of my podcasts.
2. Record the episode using the audioBoom app on my phone.
The app allows you to trim the audio at the beginning and end of the recording but doesn't allow for other edits. You can also record your audio in another app and just upload to your audioBoom account through the app if you wish.
3. Add episode title and description and artwork and upload the file via the audioBoom app.
My artwork is saved in Google Photos, but of course, you could also pull an image from your device memory.
That's all there is to it! These 3 steps you will go through for each episode.
After you have recorded your first episode you will then need to activate the podcasting settings in your audioBoom account if you want them to host your feed. You can then submit that to iTunes or run it through Feedburner first. This is what I'd recommend doing in case you decide to take the show in a different direction you can then move from the audioBoom platform without having to change your feed in iTunes.
It's also possible to simply use them as a media host and pull the URL of your mp3 file and use it in WordPress. However, since this was an experiment on creating a show completely on a mobile device I didn't go that route.
A few final thoughts:
AudioBoom has autoposting to WordPress and Tumblr capabilities so your posts will be syndicated over there automatically.
I'm not saying this is the best way to create a solo podcast. Simply that is one way. And if you're really not sure how long you want to commit to creating a show, then it's a great way to give it a try. Especially if you don't have the time or funds to invest in purchasing and setting up a bunch of gear.
Also, note that this workflow is very limiting. You don't have the flexibility of being able to edit your audio so you have to get it right in one take. And you also can't add intro or outro music, but again, this is just to show you that it can be done. And of course, you can always decide that you want to take the show up a notch and begin to record and edit in something like Audacity and then just upload the file to audioBoom. You can host files up to 10 minutes long for free.
A few other short-form, top of mind shows that are recorded on mobile devices are John Wilkerson's show "10 the Podcast", Albert Hathazi's "From The Hip" (Although Albert also does sketches and skits as well) and Paul Colligan's "Thinking Out Loud". I'm subscribed to each of these shows and recommend you check them out if you're interested in the short, solo podcast format.
Well, that's how it's done!
Send your feedback to show@jdsutter.me.
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