What Can I Do For National Podcast Day? - CCM005

You may have already heard that September 30th has been named as National Podcast Day. Steve Lee from netcaststudio.com and a team of other great folks are heading up this initiative. The goal behind this project is to bring more awareness to this medium. But you may be thinking, "What can I do for National Podcast Day?"

Before I answer this question let me clarify one thing. Just because this initiative was started by podcasters in the United States doesn't mean that it is ONLY for folks in the US. It was founded by a team in the US and they cannot speak for citizens in other countries. So if you live elsewhere in the world, whatever nation that is, make September 30th National Podcast Day a success there as well. Jump on the bandwagon and spread the word in your corner of the globe.

Now here are three things you can do for National Podcast Day.

1. Talk about it on your show
2. Promote it on your website
3. Share pictures of your studio #podcastday #shareyourstudio

1. Review your favorite shows on iTunes or Stitcher
2. Send a piece of feedback directly to the shows you listen to
3. Tell a friend about the shows you like

If you fall in both categories; a podcaster and podcast listener, then choose a few of these ideas and do them to help spread the word. These are things we should probably be doing all year round, but NPD kind of gives us a kick in the pants to get them done. Visit internationalpodcastday.com for more ideas about how to celebrate. You can also learn about podcasting history and take the Podcast Pop Quiz.

Send your feedback to show@jdsutter.me.

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